CADC Congratulates Mayor-Elect Daniel Lurie

Dear Mayor-Elect Daniel Lurie,

On behalf of the Chinese American Democratic Club (CADC), I would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your election as the mayor of San Francisco. Your commitment to making our city safer, cleaner, and more inclusive has inspired countless residents across our diverse communities. We are eager to partner with you in bringing about the positive change that is so urgently needed. 

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Yes on K Won. Is it worth it for the Moderates?

Proposition K (Prop K) for the November 2024 election cycle has been and will continue to be CADC's defining issue. As the election results have shown, CADC has reflected the Chinese and West Side voter sentiments. CADC also witnessed firsthand how Prop K has caused a cultural war and become a major distraction ruining the chances of many moderate candidates. Prop K also threatens to break apart the coalition that has been coalesced together gingerly in the past decade.

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Letter to the Editor for Mission Local

Dear Mission Local Editors,

We are writing in response to your recent piece covering the annual dinner of our club, The Chinese American Democratic Club (CADC), that took place on June 1st.  As one of the oldest political clubs in the United States to fight for civil rights and anti-discrimination for Chinese Americans, we condemn the tone of the Mission Local piece that negatively portrays CADC and its contribution to empower and uplift the Chinese American and immigrant communities in San Francisco.

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CADC 2024 President's Message

Serving as the first female president of the Chinese American Democratic Club in the 21st century, it’s my honor to speak to you today.

This is a pivotal year. We have the power to shape the future of our nation and our city. We have the power to uplift families, immigrants and young people in San Francisco for greater success.

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Club Supports Call for Resignation of SF BoE Commissioner Boggess

At our June membership meeting, the Chinese American Democratic Club (CADC) voted on a motion from the Education Committee to ask San Francisco Board of Education Commissioner Kevine Boggess to step down from the Board President position. This motion was based on President Boggess's decision to back a Parent Advisory Council parent slate that was racially discriminatory and likely against state law. We provided ample time for President Boggess to present his side and answer questions. After the discussion, CADC membership voted to back the demand.
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Board Elections for 2023

At the December 8th Membership meeting, the attending members voted to renew expiring Board members (Michael Chan, Eddie Chin, Ron Lee, Jonathan Louie, Linda Quan, Victor Seeto, Sandy Su, Adlai Jew) to new three year terms as well as adding on two new Board members.

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Support Letter for Commissioner Hsu

July 29, 2022

Every parent wants the best for their children. Parents want their children to have a better life than our lived experiences. We acknowledge that Commissioner Ann Hsu's words caused pain to the Black and Brown communities. She has received the well-deserved criticism in the court of public opinion. We want Board of Education commissioners that are willing to listen and acknowledge his/her flaws in order to improve the public schools system and better serve their constituency. Commissioner Hsu’s apology reflects the seriousness of the damage her words have caused. She has retracted her original statement and written a full and sincere apology. She has humbly met with aggrieved parents and community leaders.


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Letter to SFUSD School Board Regarding Incident at Ulloa Elementary

Board of Education Commissioners and Superintendent Vincent Matthews,

We, the Chinese American Democratic Club, encourage the San Francisco Unified School District Administration to follow full due process by evenly applying all proper review and restorative justice procedures as it looks into alleged use of harmful racial terms by Ulloa Principal Carol Fong or any school administrator of any school.

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New Direction in 2022

Last week, the Board convened to elect our new Board positions for this coming year. Receiving a majority of support we are pleased to announce:

Brian Quan as Vice President 1

Wilson Chu as Vice President 2

Gregory Leung as Secretary

Calvin Louie as Treasurer

Adlai Jew as Parliamentarian

Sam Kwong as Auditor.

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Asian Political Club Mixer

The Chinese American Democratic Club is committing to rebuilding an AAPI coalition to advance AAPI issues, equity, and access in SF.

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