Make a positive impact! Join the Chinese American Democratic Club

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Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.
Contributions are not tax deductible.
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If you are self-employed, please list the name of the entity that is on your paycheck or the type of business. We respectfully request that Partners of Partnerships and Members of LLC's contribute individually, instead of through their respective business entity. By clicking on the "Contribute" button you confirm that the following statements are true and accurate: * I am not a foreign national who lacks permanent residence in the United States. * This contribution is made from my own funds, and not those of another. * This contribution is made on a personal credit card or debit card for which I have the legal obligation to pay, and is not made either on a corporate or business entity card or on the card of another person. * I am at least eighteen years old. * Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible.

Become a member of the Chinese American Democratic Club (CADC) and join our work in uplifting the families and young people in San Francisco! One third of San Francisco residents identified as Asian Americans. CADC is determined to represent their voices. 

Memberships Benefits:

  1. Vote on endorsements and official Club matters.
  2. Have priorities in making presentations to Club members and inviting speakers to the Club
  3. Attend CADC sponsored events and parties at subsidized costs.
  4. Receive Regular e-newsletters and alerts focused on information and events important to Asian Americans.
Membership Levels:

Individual: $40

Individual & Significant Other: $55

Special Individual 3-year: $101

Senior (65+)/Student: $20

Silver Dragon: $65

Golden Dragon $100

Fiery Dragon $500

You can also donate to the CADC-PAC to support CADC in the upcoming elections.