CADC response to passing of SF Board of Education Resolution #212-2A1

We disagree with the SFUSD Board of Education’s decision to institute lottery admission at Lowell High School.


We at CADC acknowledge that systemic racism exists. We would like the San Francisco Unified School District to work together on ways and means to remedy and address racism. The School Board has failed us time and time again on the issue of racism As Emmanuel Ching, the student body vice president has said to the administration, “Step up or step aside.”


CADC wants to address the erasure of Asian American’s within this failed process to address systemic racism and the lack of resources being directed to minorities and economically disadvantaged families. As a minority group with a history of being discriminated against via exclusion and segregation, we recognize the plight facing students and families here in San Francisco.


The lottery system being proposed is not a solution that narrows the achievement gap and does not advance the goal of leveling the playing field for women and people of color in public education. Some members of the school board wishfully think that conveniently eliminating merit-based admissions at Lowell High School will in itself eradicate racism with one broad stroke of the brush is just irresponsible. The proposal prevents students the opportunity to shape their own academic journey. 


We need the School Board to be leaders and show their inclusiveness in this challenging time rather than seeking to divide groups. The Asian American community has been fighting for education as a means for economic advancement for decades. We want to share with others  the path we have blazed in giving greater opportunities to those who are socio-economically disadvantaged.


The School Board needs to be held accountable for its failures to address systemic racism, not just at Lowell, but throughout the district. These new measures unfortunately do not advance the cause of equity.


One of those recommendations is that the school board should consider spending more dollars per student in the lower performing schools to bring their achievement levels higher as a way to level the playing field for everyone. CADC will always stand with those who are  underserved because we have been there.

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  • Bayard Fong
    published this page in Issues 2021-02-10 13:55:12 -0800